Hornlikes from Rule can be transformed into MathLang expressions. AFAIK there's no attempt to transform other rule types (regulative, constitutive, …).
The core of MathLang is the following Expr
type (reordered here, but all constructors are shown).
type ExprLabel = Maybe String
data Expr a =
-- I think these are the most relevant constructors
Val ExprLabel a -- ^ simple value
| MathBin ExprLabel MathBinOp (Expr a) (Expr a) -- ^ binary arithmetic operation
| MathVar String -- ^ variable reference
| MathSet String (Expr a) -- ^ variable assignment
| MathITE ExprLabel (Pred a) (Expr a) (Expr a) -- ^ if-then-else
| ListFold ExprLabel SomeFold (ExprList a) -- ^ fold a list of expressions into a single expr value
-- These I find less important / could probably be restructured?
| Parens ExprLabel (Expr a) -- ^ parentheses for grouping (??? why is this needed)
| MathMax ExprLabel (Expr a) (Expr a) -- ^ max of two expressions (ListFold covers this)
| MathMin ExprLabel (Expr a) (Expr a) -- ^ min of two expressions "
| MathApp ExprLabel String [String] (Expr a) -- ^ kind of a hack to allow for function to call another function etc. This constructor is removed in final result and the functions are inlined.
| Undefined ExprLabel -- ^ looks like a quick workaround after realizing there should be a way to recover from failure?
There's also similar structure for predicates.
-- | conditional predicates: things that evaluate to a boolean
data Pred a
= PredVal ExprLabel Bool
| PredNot ExprLabel (Pred a) -- ^ boolean not
| PredComp ExprLabel Comp (Expr a) (Expr a) -- ^ Ord comparisions: x < y
| PredBin ExprLabel PredBinOp (Pred a) (Pred a) -- ^ predicate and / or / eq / ne
| PredVar String -- ^ boolean variable retrieval
| PredSet String (Pred a) -- ^ boolean variable assignment
| PredITE ExprLabel (Pred a) (Pred a) (Pred a) -- ^ if then else, booleans
| PredFold ExprLabel AndOr (PredList a) -- ^ and / or a list
Both expressions and predicates have list versions. PredList is just a type alias, ExprList has constructors for maps, filters etc. There's MathSection
for partially applying binary functions, for the purpose of mapping over ExprList
type PredList a = [Pred a]
-- | We can filter, map, and mapIf over lists of expressions. Here, @a@ is pretty much always a @Double@.
data ExprList a
= MathList ExprLabel [Expr a] -- ^ a basic list of `Expr` expressions
| ListMap ExprLabel (MathSection a) (ExprList a) -- ^ apply the function to everything
| ListFilt ExprLabel (Expr a) Comp (ExprList a) -- ^ eliminate the unwanted elements
| ListMapIf ExprLabel (MathSection a) (Expr a) Comp (ExprList a) -- ^ leaving the unwanted elements unchanged
| ListConcat ExprLabel [ExprList a] -- ^ [[a]] -> [a]
| ListITE ExprLabel (Pred a) (ExprList a) (ExprList a) -- ^ if-then-else for expr lists
data MathSection a
= Id
| MathSection MathBinOp (Expr a)
data MathBinOp = Plus | Minus | Times | Divide | Modulo
- Spreadsheet gets parsed into a Rule
- Rule (only Hornlike) gets transformed into Generic MathLang
- Generic MathLang is transformed into MathLang.