AST (or CST?) for rules
The data type for Rule is defined in dsl/…/Rule.hs.
It has the following constructors:
-- The most commonly used
-- For defining types and their fields
-- Haven't seen these used much
-- internal softlink to a rule label (rlabel), e.g. HENCE NextStep
-- a list of rules + a named section heading
-- I guess these are like default rules?
-- not a rule ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There's another library called anyall
, which defines a datatype called BoolStruct.
data BoolStruct lbl a
= Leaf a
| All lbl [BoolStruct lbl a] -- and
| Any lbl [BoolStruct lbl a] -- or
| Not (BoolStruct lbl a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Hashable, FromJSON, ToJSON, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
is a BoolStruct with an optional label (Maybe Text
) and a RelationalPredicate
data RelationalPredicate =
RPParamText ParamText -- cloudless blue sky
| RPMT MultiTerm -- intended to replace RPParamText. consider TypedMulti?
| RPConstraint MultiTerm RPRel MultiTerm -- eyes IS blue
| RPBoolStructR MultiTerm RPRel BoolStructR -- eyes IS (left IS blue AND right IS brown)
| RPnary RPRel [RelationalPredicate] -- "NEVER GO FULL LISP!" "we went full Lisp".
Types for values
The base for all types is the MTExpr
data MTExpr = MTT Text.Text -- ^ Text string
| MTI Integer -- ^ Integer
| MTF Double -- ^ Float
| MTB Bool -- ^ Boolean
type MultiTerm = [MTExpr]
type TypedMulti = (NonEmpty MTExpr, Maybe TypeSig)
type ParamText = NonEmpty TypedMulti
Types for types
data TypeSig = SimpleType ParamType EntityType
| InlineEnum ParamType ParamText
data ParamType = TOne | TOptional | TList0 | TList1 | TSet0 | TSet1
type EntityType = Text.Text
The list of RPRel
s is as follows.
data RPRel =
RPis | RPhas
| RPeq | RPlt | RPlte | RPgt | RPgte
| RPelem | RPnotElem
| RPnot | RPand | RPor
| RPmap
| RPmin | RPmax
| RPsum | RPproduct | RPminus | RPdivide | RPmodulo
| RPTC TComparison
data TComparison = TBefore | TAfter | TBy | TOn | TVague
Redundancies in RelationalPredicate
ParamText and MultiTerm
RPParamText ParamText
| RPMT MultiTerm
Both ParamText and MultiTerm are based on a list of MTExpr
. ParamText has in addition an optional TypeSig attached to the expressions and two separate NonEmpty lists.
So in translation to Generic MathLang, I just do this
case rp of
RPParamText pt -> expifyBodyRP $ RPMT $ pt2multiterm pt
RPMT mtes -> expifyMTEsNoMd mtes
Logical operators from RPRel and BoolStruct
The type RPRel
contains logical operators RPnot
, RPand
, RPor
. So these things can be in the BoolStructR, or inside the RelationalPredicate.
Leaf (RPnary RPnot [rp])
-- should be the same as
Not (Leaf rp)
Leaf (RPnary RPall [rp1, rp2])
-- should be the same as
All lbl [Leaf rp1, Lea rp2]
The difference is that the BoolStruct constructors Any
and All
include a label (which for BoolStructR is Maybe Text). Maybe there's also some other differences that I'm not aware of?