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AST (or CST?) for rules


The data type for Rule is defined in dsl/…/Rule.hs.

It has the following constructors:

-- The most commonly used

-- For defining types and their fields

-- Haven't seen these used much

-- internal softlink to a rule label (rlabel), e.g. HENCE NextStep
-- a list of rules + a named section heading

-- I guess these are like default rules?

-- not a rule  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


There's another library called anyall, which defines a datatype called BoolStruct.

data BoolStruct lbl a
  = Leaf a
  | All lbl [BoolStruct lbl a] -- and
  | Any lbl [BoolStruct lbl a] --  or
  | Not (BoolStruct lbl a)
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Hashable, FromJSON, ToJSON, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

BoolStructR is a BoolStruct with an optional label (Maybe Text) and a RelationalPredicate.


data RelationalPredicate =
    RPParamText   ParamText                     -- cloudless blue sky
  | RPMT MultiTerm  -- intended to replace RPParamText. consider TypedMulti?
  | RPConstraint  MultiTerm RPRel MultiTerm     -- eyes IS blue
  | RPBoolStructR MultiTerm RPRel BoolStructR   -- eyes IS (left IS blue AND right IS brown)
  | RPnary RPRel [RelationalPredicate] -- "NEVER GO FULL LISP!" "we went full Lisp".

Types for values

The base for all types is the MTExpr type.

data MTExpr = MTT Text.Text -- ^ Text string
            | MTI Integer   -- ^ Integer
            | MTF Double     -- ^ Float
            | MTB Bool      -- ^ Boolean

type MultiTerm = [MTExpr]

type TypedMulti = (NonEmpty MTExpr, Maybe TypeSig)

type ParamText = NonEmpty TypedMulti

Types for types

data TypeSig = SimpleType ParamType EntityType
             | InlineEnum ParamType ParamText

data ParamType = TOne | TOptional | TList0 | TList1 | TSet0 | TSet1

type EntityType = Text.Text


The list of RPRels is as follows.

data RPRel =
    RPis | RPhas
  | RPeq | RPlt | RPlte | RPgt | RPgte
  | RPelem | RPnotElem
  | RPnot | RPand | RPor
  | RPmap
  | RPmin | RPmax
  | RPsum | RPproduct | RPminus | RPdivide | RPmodulo
  | RPTC TComparison

data TComparison = TBefore | TAfter | TBy | TOn | TVague

Redundancies in RelationalPredicate

ParamText and MultiTerm

    RPParamText   ParamText
  | RPMT          MultiTerm

Both ParamText and MultiTerm are based on a list of MTExpr. ParamText has in addition an optional TypeSig attached to the expressions and two separate NonEmpty lists.

So in translation to Generic MathLang, I just do this

case rp of
  RPParamText pt -> expifyBodyRP $ RPMT $ pt2multiterm pt
  RPMT mtes -> expifyMTEsNoMd mtes

Logical operators from RPRel and BoolStruct

The type RPRel contains logical operators RPnot, RPand, RPor. So these things can be in the BoolStructR, or inside the RelationalPredicate.

Leaf (RPnary RPnot [rp])
-- should be the same as
Not (Leaf rp)

Leaf (RPnary RPall [rp1, rp2])
-- should be the same as
All lbl [Leaf rp1, Lea rp2]

The difference is that the BoolStruct constructors Any and All include a label (which for BoolStructR is Maybe Text). Maybe there's also some other differences that I'm not aware of?