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Web form generation

One useful thing you can do with L4 is to scaffold a web form app from an L4 specification.

There have been two generations of this app builder.

graph TB;
    classDef natural4exe fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

    A["Google Sheets tab"] -- "L4/Refresh" --> B[["Apps Script Sanic\nsmucclaw/gsheet/natural4-server/"]];
    B -- calls -->C[["natural4-exe (smucclaw/dsl/lib/haskell/natural4/\napp/Main.hs)"]];

    C --"runs"--> C1["the Purescript and Vue codebase\n(2021/2022)"];
    D--"transpiles to"-->E[("workdir/uuid/\npurs/LATEST.purs")];
    E--"consumed by"-->F["vue-json frontend\n(smucclaw/vue-pure-pdpa)"];

    C --"runs"--> G0["the JSON Schema transpiler\n(2023)"];
    G1--"transpiles to"-->G2[("workdir/uuid/\njsonTp/LATEST.json")];
    G2--"consumed by"-->G3["react frontend\n(smucclaw/usecases/smu)"]

Propositional-logic-only decision support web app

(the Purescript and Vue codebase)

The first generation builds a Vue web app that allows users to answer YES / NO questions to arrive at some sort of decision, and to see a visualization of that (see the discussion of ladder diagrams in Visualizations). The most involved example of this involved making such an app from an encoding of the Personal Data Protection Act.

This is quite limited in its functionality: it only handles propositional logic.

This app was internally titled "Dolora, the Law Explorer".

Historical Context

This was motivated by a 2021/2022 use case around the Personal Data Protection Act.


Still forms part of current demos; badly needs to be superseded.

Visible at

  1. spreadsheet sidebar, at top.
  2. A static snapshot of the generated app is stable and available at

More sophisticated web form

Sometimes a Boolean expression is really an arithmetic inequality in disguise, like, "is age >= 21?" so then we find it more natural to ask for "age". Or maybe we don't have to ask for it from the user, we look it up from some existing sidecar of JSON input retrieved from an enterprise database. Either way, though, we have something like a

    evaluatePredicate :: Expr Int -> Expr Bool

Web forms have various forms of user input widgets to support this more expanded universe of expressions.

In the 2023 insurance case we needed to capture dates and numbers in addition to basic Bools.

The second generation tried to separate MVC layers by using an approach based on react-jsonschema-form / vue-form-json-schema.

The relevant docs explain how the web form generation works in some detail. The JSON schema transpiler docs are also relevant.

There was also an abortive attempt at trying to find a way to separate UI text from the web app.

[TODO: Link to further discussions of the JSON Schema transpiler + Clojurescript client]

Historical Context

This was motivated by that use case with the insurance company.


Still relevant,

  • though YM thinks that there's quite a bit that could be improved, especially with regards to the interfaces (in the software design sense).
  • And ideally, we'd also want to re-examine the semantics of the schema definition constructs.
  • The JSON Schema transpiler also needs some work. [TODO: Add more detail here on what kind of work]

NOTE: The example form app repo needs some work. Haven't really bothered polishing it because we'll probably want to improve the web app generation system in more fundamental ways.