Further reading
Relevant Prior Art
Ordered in roughly chronological / introductory sequence
Ronald Lee: A Logic Model for Electronic Contracting, Candid
Aarne Ranta, Translating between Language and Logic
Going Functional On Exotic Trades by Simon Frankau, Diomidis Spinellis, Nick Nassuphis, Christoph Burgard
This feels to YM like what Meng's MathLang amounts to, in practice.
Catala and related papers
- Catala: a programming language for the law 2021
- Catala: Moving Towards the Future of Legal Expert Systems
- Formalizing Date Arithmetic and Statically Detecting Ambiguities for the Law
Sarah Lawsky 2017 A Logic for Statues (Lawsky is a law professor)
- "This essay examines the structure of statutory reasoning after ambiguities are resolved and the meaning of the statute's terms established. It argues that standard formal logic is not the best approach for representing statutory rule-based reasoning. Rather, the essay argues, using the Internal Revenue Code and accompanying regulations, judicial decisions, and rulings as its primary example, that at least some statutory reasoning is best characterized as defeasible reasoning — reasoning that may result in conclusions that can be defeated by subsequent information — and is best represented using default logic."
SLEEC / LEGOS: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3597503.3639093, https://github.com/NickF0211/LEGOs
Christopher Clack's Past Projects: https://christopherclack.com/teaching
see the survey of legal DSLs section in https://drive.google.com/file/d/1--zBgq3Js0aMKMNoBjBC5wYmB3GcERR2/view?usp=drive_link
On the structure of insurance contracts and UX for apps helping people understand them
Work by CodeX at Stanford
- https://codexstanford.github.io/formation-demo/ showcases an idealized, simplified insurance contract and its encoding in Prolog, as well as a web form for it (click on "Switch to Claims Analysis") This is helpful for seeing the abstract structure of most insurance contracts.
- https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/full/10.1098/rsta.2023.0160 is worth skimming. the arguments here are very quick, but there's some useful info here
- One of the authors of that paper also gave a short talk at this year's Future Law conference that had useful info on ideal UX for a web app that helps people answer questions about insurance contracts.
Other Compilations of readings we've amassed over the years
https://github.com/smucclaw/complaw/tree/main/doc Introduction to computational law
https://github.com/smucclaw/complaw/blob/main/doc/juniors/README.org the Juniors Readme
publications by team members
GOVERNATORI, Guido and WONG, Meng Weng (HUANG Mingrong). Defeasible semantics for L4. (2023). POPL ProLaLa 2023.
OLIVIERI, Francesco; GOVERNATORI, Guido; CRISTANI, Matteo; ROTOLO, Antonino; and SATTAR, Abdul. Deontic meta-rules. (2023). Journal of Logic and Computation.
WATT, Seng Joe; GOODENOUGH, Oliver; and WONG, Meng Weng (HUANG Mingrong). Deontics and time in contracts: An executable semantics for the L4 DSL. (2023). Legal Knowledge and Information Systems: Proceedings of JURIX 2023. 379, 119-124.
BHUIYAN, Hanif; GOVERNATORI, Guido; MAHAJAN, Avishkar; RAKOTONIRAINY, Andry; and WONG, Meng Weng (HUANG Mingrong). Driving-decision making of autonomous vehicle according to Queensland overtaking traffic rules. (2022). International Workshop on AI Compliance Mechanism WAICOM 2022.
MAHAJAN, Avishkar; STRECKER Martin; WATT, Seng Joe; and WONG, Meng Weng (HUANG Mingrong). Compliance through model checking. (2022). International Workshop on AI Compliance Mechanism WAICOM 2022.
LIM, How Khang; MAHAJAR, Avishkar; STRECKER, Martin; and WONG, Meng Weng. Automating defeasible reasoning in law with answer set programming. (2022). ICLP 2022: Proceedings of the International Conference on Logic Programming 2022 Workshops: Haifa, Israel, 31 July - 1 August: Workshop on Goal-Directed Execution of Answer Set Programs 2nd GDE 2022, August 1. 1-11.
MAHAJAN, Avishkar; STRECKER, Martin; and WONG, Meng Weng (HUANG Mingrong). User guided abductive proof generation for answer set programming queries. (2022). Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2022 September 20-22. 1-14.
RANTA, Aarne; LISTENMAA, Inari; SOH, Jerrold; and WONG, Meng Weng (HUANG Mingrong). An end-to-end pipeline from law text to logical formulas. (2022). Legal knowledge and information systems: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2022 December 14-16. 362, 237-242.
LISTENMAA, Inari; HANAFIAH, Maryam; CHEONG, Regina; and KALLBERG, Andreas. Towards CNL-based verbalization of computational contracts. (2021). CNL 2020/21 7th International Workshop in Controlled Natural Language: Workshop Proceedings, 2021, September 8-9. 1-7.
MORRIS, Jason. Constraint answer set programming as a tool to improve legislative drafting. (2021). Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, São Paulo, Brazil, 2021 June 21-25. 262-263.
WONG, Meng Weng. Rules as code: Seven levels of digitisation. (2020). 1-24.